Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fixed lil' Man's Gator

Lil' Man's Gator was having some problems.  Diagnosed it and discovered that one of the two electric motors took a dump.  I scooped up a buddy's Gator that wasn't working and both of the motors were good, so I snagged one out of his and now my lil' man is back in commission and tearing up his trails again.  I didn't get any photos of the motors and replacement because I got in a hurry.  It was 75 degrees and sunny outside and I was itching to get on the scooter and take a putt. 

Notice the spike wheels I hooked him up with when he first got it.  This thing will go through anything now.  Next step is to hook him two 12v batteries in a series and make this thing do about 25 mph.
Maybe Santa will be kind to and bring this kid a 125cc 4-wheeler to tear his little trails up with.   Donations are being accepted at this time.  :)

-Later Gators

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