Monday, May 14, 2012

And it rained...and rained...and rained...

Saturday was a super wet ride.  6 hours...150 (ish) miles...too many beers to count...All for a good cause!

Above: Mine, Josh's, and my Uncle Steve's lined up and getting dumped on.  Although I'm wishing I wouldn't have laid down over a gas tank worth of miles in the rain with an open breather setup, the memories and the cause were worth it.  Mrs. Holloway was super appreciative and very thankful, thanking everyone personally, when a line of scooters pulled up in the farm after 6 hours in the pouring rain and in no hurry to leave.  If your body wasn't warm at that point, well your heart was!

Above: My Uncle, one of the coolest and best dudes I know.  

Above: My buddy Josh.  Hangin' out makin' mammaries in da rain with me!

Overall, there was a good turnout and even though some people bailed from the ride after the rain started real strong, you can see a lot of them held in until the very end which was another stop after this at a farm in the country. 

Lesson of the day: Open breathers aren't worth a shit for folks who ride their bikes. 
 Mooneyes cover on order!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Local Benefit Ride / Poker Run for Angela Russell Holloway

If you can make it, do it.  
Motorcycles, Food, Bands, Good People, Beer, and you'll be helping somebody. 
So get out on that bad motor scooter and ride for a great cause! 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Museum Quality

Couple of quickies from Barber's.  That place was majestic.  I definitely will be cruising back over to Birmingham with my little boy and doing a Father / Son afternoon at that place.  It will be something great to do when the temperatures are beating on 100 degrees and the humid air can be sliced with a butter knife. 

Most of the bikes in the museum are fully restored.  This Sunbeam below was one of the exceptions.  The un-restored specimens of motorcycle history were the ones that would really stop me in my tracks and make the grey matter inside of my cranium turn flips.  Just letting the imagination take over as I pondered what type of individual straddled the majestic two wheeled beauty and the adventures, trials, tribulations, that were experienced together would make mind succumb to the historical influence of the machine which was before me.  Pieces such as this really are marvels of engineering and artistic beauty wrapped up into a fine portrait of what I take for granted most days as a mere heart pumping fun mode of transportation.  

Several locations in the museum had some really nice sculptures.  This is one of the few in the museum that we happened to grab a photo of.  Really neat piece that appears to have been made using only motorcycle parts.  

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dixie Roundup Bike Show Pics

Bike Show Photo Dump.  Enjoy!

Below: Larry's 52 Pan he just acquired. Not in the show, but badass and picture worthy nonetheless.